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Think WIDEN to Prevent Burglary 
Nearly two-thirds (65%)* of us are worried about our home being broken into - if this is something that keeps you awake at night then think WIDEN ... these are simple, proven measures we can all take to halve our chances of being burgled :- 
Windows locked when not in use 
Interior lights on a timer when out 
Doors double or dead-locked 
Exterior lights on a sensor 
Neighbours keeping an eye out 
John Hayward-Cripps, CEO of Neighbourhood Watch Network, said ‘We know that by securing your home’s windows, interior, doors, exterior and keeping an eye out for neighbours, we can all give ourselves the best chance of preventing burglary. 
If you have been burgled recently, criminals are familiar with your home and may come back once you’ve had time to purchase new items. Act soon to avoid being retargeted - use the WIDE(N) advice for a combination of simple yet effective prevention measures.’ 
Take a look at the checklist below and see what you may be missing ... 
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